Child Custody



If you are at odds with your child’s other parent about where your child should live, how much time they should spend with each parent, or how they should be raised, it is essential to seek the advice of a qualified attorney. At the Law Office of J. David Munoz, we can present your case and advocate for your rights to raise your child in a healthy, thriving environment. Above all else, our law firm is committed to protecting your child’s best interests while upholding your parental bond.

Mediation for Amicable Child Custody Agreements in Whittier

Children are best served when parents maintain a cordial relationship. Through the structured process of mediation, couples can often set aside hostility and agree on key decisions affecting their children. Mediation can be a highly effective tool for parents to preserve their children’s well-being and the stability of their lives during the turbulent process of divorce. It takes some of the stress out of child custody conflicts and puts important child-rearing decisions in the hands of the parents, rather than the court. We use mediation strategies to guide the negotiation process toward a healthy resolution.


In some cases, litigation is necessary to protect a child’s best interests. When one parent will not compromise or expresses hostility toward the other parent, negotiations fail. Sometimes, a parent may even pose a danger to the child’s well-being. In these cases, litigation is the most appropriate forum for establishing parental rights. Our firm’s methodical approach to litigation enables clients to feel confident that their children are protected and their parental rights are secure. 

At the Law Office of J. David Munoz, we represent clients in matters related to:

  • Primary and joint custody arrangements
  • Visitation rights
  • Grandparent visitation
  • Modification of custody and visitation orders
  • Enforcement of orders
  • Juvenile delinquency and dependency proceedings
  • Decisions related to religion, education, and upbringing of the child

The uncertainty of litigation can be stressful for parents and children alike. We are prepared to address all your concerns and those of your family in cases involving the custody of your children.


In California, child custody decisions revolve around two primary components: legal custody and physical custody. These terms play a pivotal role in shaping the post-divorce or separation life for parents and their children. At the Law Office Of J. David Munoz, our experienced family law attorneys are well-versed in navigating the complexities of custody matters, ensuring the best interests of the child are at the forefront of every decision.

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Client Testimonials

  • “Great work coming from this law office.”
    “Would most definitely recommend for anyone looking for people who will actual listen to what your case is.”
    - Lexi G.
  • “Definitely recommend him every chance I get.”
    “Helped my family and I in several cases all with great results.”
    - Gabriela I.
  • “I would recommend the law office of Mr. J. David Munoz.”
    “The response I received was very professional and concerned about our problem.”
    - Paul M.
  • “They know what they are doing and within a timely manner my legal issues were taken care of.”
    “I was skeptical at first considering what was at stake but I put trust into the process and David and his guys did the rest.”
    - Kevin T.
  • “If you need a good attorney, call the office, they takes pride in their work.”
    “We have had excellent results with Mr. Munoz and his Law team.”
    - Former Client
  • “My boyfriend was facing 19 years in prison, Mr. Munoz and his team got him 3 years.”
    “I personally have dealt with Attorney Munoz on several occasions and he has helped me.”
    - Crystal T.
  • “Would 100% recommend.”
    “I went from SUPER worried to everything's gonna be fine just off our first phone call.”
    - Robert W.
  • “Wish I could give more than 5 stars.”
    “if you're in need of legal services, and even if you're full of questions, don't let that deter you from giving J. a call. He's incredibly helpful and was EXACTLY what I was looking for.”
    - Suza W.